Some key players return for Accies
After a truly unbelieveable start to the season with injuries and unavailabilities at a level seldom seen at new Anniesland, with something in excess of 25 players injured or unavailable last week, at long last Accies have something resembling their best pack on show tomorrow.
The return after concussion of Tommy Spinks, our two stalwart props Chris Goodfellow and Jason Currie supporting a new recruit in the shape of Frenchman, Pierre-Jean Quiers, added to that the return of the enthusiastic Kenny Beattie and Chris Johnstone both back in the boiler room.
Tomorrows Forwards:
Chris Goodfellow
Pierre-Jean Quiers
Jason Currie
Kenneth Beattie
Chris Johnstone
Greg Valentine
Kane Greggain
Tommy Spinks
with reserves Tadhg Power and Greg Connelly.
The backs also see some big name returns with Ross Cowan and Adam Lowry added to the backs.
Tomorrows Backs:
9. Adam Lowry
10. Finlay neilson
11. Jack McCready
12. Matt Holland
13. Gregor Macewan
14. Colin Taylor
15. Ross Cowan
With reserves Jacob Siems and Ronan Joy